Wednesday 6 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Hanuman Protection Mantra

Hanuman Protection Mantras
 हनुमान रक्षा मंत्र

   Most powerful protection mantra of Lord Hanuman.
  • The mantra has been practiced by great  sages who used to live in mountains and  far away places where no one lived.
  •  Sages used this mantra  for protection   from animals and natural calamities.
  • Very effective and simple to use.
Benefits of Mantra
  • Protection from every peril.
  • Protection from accidents.
  • Protection from enemies.
  • Family is protected from the evils.
  • Protection from evil eyes.
  • Protection from black magic.
How to Practice
      The Siddhi [mastery]  the mantra has to be acquired on the day of the Solar Eclipse by reciting mantra continuously for 1000 times. After that whenever you feel that you are in danger of any kind, be it physical or from evil energies, you have to recite the mantra 11 times and throw your Breath on your body. It is said that doing this ensures total protection.

"ॐ नमो परमात्मने अंजनी सुताय हुं हुं हुं मम शरीरं बंधनाय रक्षा कुरु...."

Om namo parmatmne anjani sutaya hum hum hum
Mam sharir bandhanaya raksha kuru......... ll 

Watch the Video for complete mantra
May Lord Hanuman Protect You.

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