Friday, 8 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Baba Amte

" First you have to take the spear in your heart, then can you take the crown on your head "                                                                                                    - Baba Amte (1914-2008)

A Lawyer, a freedom fighter, a  social activist, messiah of the poor/downtrodden classes , a man of few words but great action- this is Baba Amte; the crusader of the prevailing injustice in the society. I first read about Baba Amte when i was in 3rd grade/standard. He has always been one the great humanitarians who have been my inspiration in some way or the other. 

Greatness of Baba Amte, a true social reformer :-
  • Successful Lawyer and awarded with prestigious awards -Padmashree, Padma Vibhushan,  Magsaysay Award, Damein Dutton Award ( specific for leprosy), International Gandhi Peace Prize, UN Human Rights  and others
  • Left his lucrative law profession to work for and with the rag pickers and sweepers 
  • Worked as defence lawyer for the freedom fighters of " Quit India Movement"
  • Baba ( when only 35 years old) after pursuing a leprosy related course opened clinics for leprosy patients .His work for leprosy patients and their health services to cure the deadly disease  is unmatched and speaks of his greatness.
  • Bharat Jodoo Yatra from Kashmir to Kanyakumari was the mission to promote integrity and oneness of the nation
  • Narmada Bachao Andolan which was spearheaded by Baba was fight for the injustice to the locals during the building of Darovar Dam.
  • Baba was the first one to initiate communication and care for the Madia Gond Tribal people. His contribution in opening hospitals with free service, school is commendable. The Lok Briadari Prakalp Dwakhana ( LBP Hospital) serves 40,000 or more tribals within a radius of 1000 km.
  • He worked for the betterment and improving the relationship between India- Pakistan for Peace Missions
  • Rescue centres for animals or animal orphanages.
  • Baba's work and compassion towards the Dalits and improvising their situation and acceptance in the Indian society.
  • Baba built the Anandwan for the welfare of people- hospital, school, blind and deaf school and many more. His son and his wife have been quite instrumental in taking his works to next level and promoting welfare and selfless acts for humanity.
  • Gokul ( home for leprosy patients and orphans), Uttarayan ( free home for senior citizens), Sneh Savali ( treatment for leprosy), Sukh sadan, ASHA Yuvagram ( for dropouts who wish to pursue education again) are a few of the initiatives I am aware of by Baba from 1928- 1983.
Baba Amte- Muralidhar Devidas Amte

Learnings from Baba Amte, a true teacher :-
  • To be humble 
  • To be compassionate and tolerate
  • To treat everyone human being equally- irrespective of age, caste, social status, religion
  • To give and donate 
  • To serve others especially the downtrodden classes /people and not consider it as an act of greatness or ego
  • To perform selfless act.
  • To be oneself and to do what your heart desires
  • To be determined
  • To help the needy so that they can help themselves
 We cant be miracle workers like Baba Amte but we can atleast attempt to learn something from his life and inculcate a bit of it in ourselves or our life ---this life, this place, this country , this world would be a better place !

 " Anyone can overtake Baba Amte. The only thing I have is my determination "
                                                                                                                 -Baba Amte 

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