a small brief ... about the issue resolved in a great peaceful way .
Indians proved themselves the noblest thinking and wise verdict..
–Lord Sri Ram is the idol and icon never showed such emotions and he remained serene in the midst of turbulence. Sri Krishna, the avatar or incarnation after Sri Rama, teaches us in the Bhagavad Gita - Serenity of mind, good heartedness, silence, self-control, purity of nature – these together are called ‘mental austerity.’ Serenity of mind can be gained only when our relationship with the world at large is put on a healthy basis of understanding, tolerance and love.

The whole Ram Temple issue is an attempt to correct a wrong that happened in history – a period when democracy and religious freedom was not widely practiced in India.
This very attempt is against the teachings of Hinduism. Sanatana Dharma is not a slave of the past. It is not bound by any edict of a prophet who appeared in the past – instead the teachings of Sanatana Dharma ask an individual to find self realization through his/her individual efforts – all Hindu Holy Scriptures are only an aid in the efforts of an individual.
This is why nothing happened to Sanatana Dharma when the Ram Temple was destroyed in Ayodhya – because Ram and his teachings live in the hearts of Hindus. The universal teachings of Hinduism are not bound by any structure. But when we forcibly try to build a temple we are going against the teachings of Sanatana Dharma.
When a man thinks of objects, ‘attachment’ for them arises; from attachment ‘desire’ is born; from desire arises ‘anger’ (Gita Chapter II, 62)
From anger comes delusion; from delusion ‘loss of memory’; from loss of memory the destruction of discrimination; from destruction of discrimination, he perishes. (Gita Chapter II, 63)
The core teaching of Hinduism is that all that is animate and inanimate is nothing but the Supreme Truth. There is no second. The Supreme Truth is present in all living and nonliving. So when we make Ram Temple and emotional issue we are going against the basic teachings of Sanatana Dharma. We are trying to forcibly capture the Supreme Truth inside four marble walls due to our ignorance.
Krishna says:
Enlightened beings see all things as equal.
For them there is absolutely no difference, between a learned Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, or a dog. Being absorbed in Brahman they see nothing but the Self. And having overcome all bondages, although living in this world they are one with Brahman.
Their mind rests in Brahman who is Changeless and Perfect. Can there be a better dwelling place than in Brahman?
The enlightened person who abides in Brahman is at peace, and without any delusions. He/She is neither elated at receiving the pleasant things, nor is he/she saddened by the unpleasant.
Bhagavad Gita V, 18-20 - -Peace remains
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