To be Creative & Beautiful
Venus is a heavenly body that signifies joy, success and pleasures and that banishes boredom and ugliness and heralds beauty and creative energy. If the planet is strong and benefic in one's natal chart then sure -enough a person takes to a field that involves creativity and imagination. And through such work the person surely attains to success and fame.But even if Venus is not benefic one could make it so by powerful Sadhanas. There have been so many people specially from the movie world who have had the sadhna of Venus and as a result they reached the pinnacle of success in the same.
Following are benefits of Venus Mantra Sadhana:
2. Those in the filed of arts, music, movies, sculpture should surely accomplish this Sadhana.
3. For success as a singer too it is a must.
4. For gaining an attractive personality and captivating voice this Sadhana can work wonders.
5. Banishing laziness and becoming ever active and creative is also possible.
6. For women it enhances beauty and elegance.
7. To make a marriage happy and successful too this is the Sadhana one should seek. So for early marriage and finding the right match.
8. The childless can try it with positive results.
9. For success in business and becoming rich too this is the Sadhana.
This Sadhana should be tried on a Friday early in the morning. Have a bath and wear fresh white clothes. On the floor draw the given figure with white sandalwood paste. Cover the figure with white cloth. Sit on a white mat facing East. Light a lamp with coconut or sesame oil. In a plate make a star with rice grains. On it place a Skukra Yantra chanting thus
Dhyanam:Hreem Himkund Mrinnaa-laabham Deityaanaam Paramam Gurum. Sarva-shaastra Pravaktaaram Bhaargavam Prajamaamyaham. Om Bhurbhuvah Swah Shukrah Ihaagachh Ihatishtthah, Shukraay Namah.
Next speak out your wish for which you are trying this Sadhana. Then with a white Hakeek rosary chant seven rounds of the following Mantra.
Venus Mantra
Do this for thirteen days. Drop the Yantra and rosary in river or pond.
Next speak out your wish for which you are trying this Sadhana. Then with a white Hakeek rosary chant seven rounds of the following Mantra.
Venus Mantra
"Om Draam Dreem Droum Sah Shukraay Namah"
"ॐ द्रां द्रीं द्रौं सः शुक्राय नमः ॥"
Do this for thirteen days. Drop the Yantra and rosary in river or pond.
Listen the Venus Mantra
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