Thursday 7 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Swami Vivekananda Quote

When I asked God for Strength
He gave me difficult situations to Face

When I asked God for Brain and Brow
He gave me difficult puzzles to Solve

When I asked God for Happiness
He showed me Unhappy People

When I asked God for Wealth
He showed me how to work Hard

When I asked God for Favours
He showed me opportunities to work Hard

When I asked God for Peace
He showed me how to Help Others

God gave me nothing I wanted
He showed me how to get what I need.

Quote by Swami Vivekananda.

This just makes me feel--- Prabhu ki Leela nayari... the divine always has its own plan and no matter what one should always be the doer irrespective of the situation. God is within onself and we eternally guide ourselves too --- just like the higher self talking :)

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