Sunday, 24 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Surrender

" Diamonds are to be found only in the darkness of the earth and truth in the darkness of the mind".
                                                                                         Victor Hugo ( Les Miserables)

Let go- Dew drop on the lotus
 leaf eventually has to merge with
its true source... surrender to the flow
Chaotic times are the ones which mainly lead or atleast make us feel sometimes that we are in a state of darkness or unknowing. There was one such time in which my teacher " Meera" explained to me the concept of surrender, little did i know what wonders it can do. I can clearly say despite all the concept and details and explaining to others what and why is it important to surrender at times; it has been very difficult for me to implement it myself- listening to my inner self gives a way.

But what is Surrender -- is it giving up, or letting go, or waiting in the darkness for light to come by itself,  does it come in the form of shrugging your desires over responsibilities or responsibilities over desire, does it mean having faith or relieving oneself from faith and let things chart their own course?? From a distance surrender is a fascinating word .... just another word.

When i look at " faith" which is usually people will preach or advocate , has elements of " universal energy to come to play"  or " whatever will happen will happen for the best". So the question is - Is it effort?? Is it oscillating between trust of self and others? Is it a wait n watch method??

Another aspect is giving up, usually it is not propagated as it is presented as someone who is hopeless, given up on life or responsibilities... So the question is ---" Is giving up control also an effort?" Are responsibilities, desires just means to stop us with go with the flow of life" or Is it to stop fighting for what we believe or have believed for so long "

Heal your heart with Reiki and love
& surrender to the divine within
Great act of patience is also an element, however in the process we still think of numerous outcomes and the very little details of it and still fretting over what might happen.

In  surrender one has to do it their best and then wait for any course to happen , basically to live in the present with calmness and then live and accept the outcome. It is to realize that we are not always in charge or control of our lives sometimes and letting go of the worries is what we can do best at hand. Probably channeling the energy of mental worry and can help us realize a positive outcome.

" Apply yourself, hand foot to the search, but when you reach the sea stop talking about the stream"
                                                                                                             Hakim Sanai ( Sufi Poet)

" One doesn't surrender life in an instant. That which is lifelong can take lifetime to surrender".
                                                                                                                        Elizabeth Elliot

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