Reiki works on different realms of the body - Physical , emotional, mental and other subtle bodies. Any health issue, pain in specific part of the body, ailments, damaged body parts i.e: any problem first affects the subtle bodies and finally manifests or shows on the physical level. For instance if someone is feeling constant pain the chest or arms it is typically an indication of blocked heart chakra- lack of giving or receiving love, lack of compassion, closed heart, un- forgiveness, deep past pains etc. It is interesting that our body/cells also work together in healing an ailment or a sick organ, so why cant we support our body consciously in healing through reiki and other healing modalities and positive changes
As a reiki practitioner or healer or healee one sometimes need to focus on a specific organ by healing and caring for it more than the rest of the body. Its like a mother nurturing a sick child.
Healing and Caring for specific organ-short & sweet reiki treatment-
- Relax your body and lie down or sit comfortably- inhale and exhale for a few minutes
- If you are a healer then scan the healee's aura using your hands and identify the unwell organ, or use pendulum or simply ask the person.
- Imagine the unwell organ you would want to communicate with and put emotional healing symbol ( if 2nd level) or simply give the intend to heal.
- Concentrate your focus on that organ or body part, mentally or aloud talk to that organ as if talking or interacting/talking with an unwell or sick child. Interestingly the organs respond to clear, sweet, positive terms.
- Mentally/visualize the symbols on the organ and start to heal the front and back and subsequently the concerned chakra by placing hands on body or on the aura. Do the healing for as much time as your want and note if any feelings on hands or body.
- After this imagine water in flowing form or like a waterfall cleansing the organs and taking away all the toxins.
- Now do the grounding exercise, imaging the roots from the root chakra , feet and legs and getting closer to mother earth.
- Using the intend and affirmations of positive and well being- " I am healthy and filled with positiveness"
- Repeat this ( frequently) for next 21 days.

Additionally you can invite Archangel Raphael or any specific God or person you want to help heal the hurt/organ,one can use positive affirmations related to the organ or chakra, eat related foods or juices.
Please note this can be done along with medical treatment and is not substitute of it.
Ask your body for a message and stay well.
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