Wednesday, 13 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Self - Protection & Gratitude

Meditiation, Prayer work, Reiki,tarot,angel therapies, hypnosis, past lives are the few areas of energy work by which one can tread on the path of spritual growth. (Please note-- there is no fixed path in growing everyone has their own path/destiny just the means are different--Anyways).

Energy Work, spirtual growth , elevation etc are very facinating words but each time one learns and practices the key is protection of the self -physical level & aura/other realms around onself.
In my reiki healing  sessions I have many times encountered myself picking up energies and immediately feeling wierd, lost,  upset or similar incidents happening . As I practised more  in these areas I realised I wasnt protected enough or maybe was healing from the ego and was too sensitive.

So inorder to Minimize the risks and protect ourselves and suggestions for other people - ROSE is what I sought out to ---

R- Remember the Divine
O- Offer yourself to receive the divine wisdom
S- Surrender the whole process to Divine
E- Equanimity- Align heart and mind with the Divine

1)  Always enter the healing sessions by first protecting yourself Always start by saying the affirmations, CALL/ASK/PRAY to the supreme being, archangels, higher anagels, Gods by using compassion & intution/mind.

2)  It is always important to Open up oneself to receive divine protection and guidance by setting the intention and being more receptitive from the higher levels- Gods, Gurus Archangels, Angels ,higher self , person or anyone you believe in.

3) Surrender the whole process to the Divine, offering oneself as the pure channel and let go of the  " MINI-ME- EGO".Important  to let one's physical, mental emotional,spiritual self to be an instrument to Divine will or let the highest self to work through. Allow higher wisdom to guide & conduct the process by letting the intution flow.

4) Open one's heart & self to higher feelings- compassion, harmony, forgiveness, gratitude, peace & faith as opposed to plastic feelings. invoking the higher feelings to self-trancedence & equanimity.

This will lead to the higher- self connected to the Gods, Supreme Power, Devtas, Archangels & Higher Angels etc. & benefit both the healer and the healee :)

Enjoy the Energy Work !!!!

Love and Heal

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