Wednesday 6 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Reiki Level 3

As we continue our healing path , with time we become aware of our consciousness that resides deep within us;  it is with that realization the healer moves up to Reiki Level 3.

Reiki Level 3 course is an Advanced Reiki Practitioner course . It is mainly divided into two levels, level 3A and 3B. It is mainly to increase and enhance one's knowledge, experience and learning from reiki. With every level of reiki or any healing modality one learns along with it comes maturity and responsible usage of the energies.This level creates a new attitude that is entirely and completely positive and helps us to create positive results and enhance problem solving capabilities.

Practitioner who intends to learn level 3A -

  • Must've practiced reiki from level 2 to level 3A for preferably 6-12 months
  • Has been practicing  grounding meditations/techniques.
  • Committed to making reiki as a part of one's life.
  • When has learnt ans feel ready to accept one's own mastery
When one is attuned and practices reiki after Level 3A one becomes- HEALER with more or higher energy flow and channel

Practitioner who intends to level 3B- 

  • Must have  practiced reiki level 3A for about 3-6 months
  • Should be assisting in reiki teaching sessions for experience ( Apprenticeship)
  • Having Spiritual Orientation or understands one purpose for healing 
  • Assisting in teaching new fellow reiki learners in practical hands-on healing
  • Let go of ego ( ego which tramples and hurts others)
Reiki Love :)

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