Monday 25 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Reiki - intention box

Buddha- Consciousness with Perception
Reiki as we know is beyond time and space which focuses on the power of intend for manifestation. There are different ways. All your intentions,only if its for the higher good for self or others is fulfilled by Reiki.Reiki Intention box is a container with the different intention slips which are healed by the Reiki healer.

How to make an intention slip and Reiki Intention box:-

  • Take a shoe box or any box in which the lid is closed and is not easily open. Make a small hole or cut in the lid. 
  • Paint it , color it as per your desire, heal the Reiki intention box with the symbols as desired especially for past/future healing. 
  • Mentally draw all the symbols on the box / use crystals and keep it in a designated place away from your bed.
  • On a daily basis or whenever need write the intention or desire of event for healing - if its a future event which you want to manifest first write -" Name , age /year of birth of person"; secondly the intention or event that it has already occurred and the person is happy ; lastly thank reiki and give your love.
  • At the back of the Reiki Intention slip write the three symbols learnt in reiki level 2 {heal the slip( if you want )}
  • Roll or fold the reiki intention slip and drop it in the Box.
  • Hold the box between your palms( put physical healing symbols on both the palms first).
  • Heal the box with reiki and universal energy on a daily basis. 
  • Once the intention is manifested take the intention slip and burn it or on a monthly basis or once in two months heal and then burn the reiki intention slips ( saying " Universal Energy manifest our intentions of which is for the higher good"
  • Incase of a specific ailment for an individual make a seperate smaller reiki intention box.

Benefits of Reiki Intention Box
Reiki Intention Box
  •  Helps to release worries, its another way for providing distant healing also.
  • If pictures are in intention box helps to maintain harmonious relationships. 
  • Helps to heal or manifest multiple desires or requests at a time.
  • Some people have very sensitive auras at times, so intention slip to faster healing can be beneficial.
  • Incase of group healing - the group members can send distant healing to the healee
  • The healer can use multiple means on the healee eg: crystals/specific prayers or angels which the person would be uncomfortable in face-face interaction ( here also permission is needed)
  • Helps to identify goals and dreams and desires.
  • Good for initial distant reiki healing.
  • In my view it can be created by anyone who doesnt even know reiki - as a) we all have the power to heal and b) Sometimes just need to write down what we feel
So ahead, be creative and experiment. Put all those thoughts and worry inside ( take it off your chest ) or discover and express your desires and go to your wonderland.


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