This aspect reminds me of the four of cups of the Osho zen tarot with a person if dhyani mudra --emotionally blaming self and hurt and listening to every other voice around and unhappy :(....
Associated Chakras- Root Chakra and Hara chakra are the two centres which can be associated with self sabotaging behavior Emotional boundaries, security, acceptance of self not worrying about the future, lack of trust in oneself in life and the decisions one takes, opposite of self confidence is self sabotaging-- so significant lack of self confidence, past repressed memories or painful words said by others eg: some one calling you idiot and u start claiming that u are an idiot too later :( ... the list is endless :( for root chakra damage.
Reiki is one of the modalities by which the self sabotaging behavior can be managed or modified. Lets look at how reiki can work in some self sabotaging areas of an life :-
a) Trying to resist change in almost every aspect of your life.( Back root chakra and heart chakra)
b) Past memories of being labeled channeling in the mind- eg: "You are dumb" saying this to a child repeatedly will make him/her doubt herself all or most of the time.( Lack of self esteem- Root and Manipura chakra)
c) Feeling that you are undeserving of any happiness or good will in life ( How sad- All three lower chakras)
d) People who are control freaks and want to control their lives to every level ( Root chakra)
e) People with addictive behaviour or substance behaviours might find it very comforting in a certain place. ( eg: a drug addict who finds drugs are his/her only world and this is the drug place is where he/she will be accpeted and in the outside other world others will not accept them anymore -i.e: Serious damaged root chakra and severly blocked heart )
f) Severly draining and abusive relationships ( physical, verbal or emotional mainly) wherein one is constantly subject to character assisination or nit pricking in the relationship ( Severely blocks hara chakra, skewed self perception or image, self hatred, self pity)
g) Sometimes some people are over senesitive to criticism and it leads to a pattern of self sabotaging ( Blocked heart leading to blocked root which in turn leads to blocked hara chakra)
h) Overdoing some aspects of your life that you have little time for the other areas ( eg: lack of work- life balance could lead to serious issues)
i) Negative self talk and constantly abusing oneself for any reason or not ( eg: a person who has chronic illness might curse oneself everyday )- blocked root chakra
There are many more areas where self-sabotage behavior fits in , one just have to find that pattern which is acting as a deterrent.
On a basic level how does reiki help- Reiki helps to clear off the negative pattern from the subconscious mind and the self limiting patterns to identify them and release them. These could be arising from childhood issues, perception issues, identity issues and in some cases past lives issues. In most cases once the hurt is identified it is much more easier to find ways or steps to release. Typically since most of the patterns are root chakra related they usually work out well if stable step by step slow plan is made ( remember root is the heaviest of the chakras).
How to make things work by reiki and other modalities
- Healing all chakras, esp root chakra, spine, liver by either reiki or other modalities.. Use all three symbols taught in level 2, and the master symbol of level 3a or 3b ( most effective)
- Practising hatha yoga - recommend go a specific yoga practitioner
- Meditiation for calm mind, Kriya yoga, sahaj yoga and others.
- Maintain a dairy or journal about feelings and try to everyday write less negative and more positve things about self
- Join a group or club which is tolerant of you and your behaviour and less judgemental ( if you are substance addict suggest going to some reach programs in your near by community)
- On a chit of paper write down what is bothering and also how you would want to situation to be and burn that paper
- On a chit of paper write down how you would want your life to be and put it in a box and give it loving reiki everyday-- if you dont know reiki just put your hands with power of intention
- Try and surround yourself with loving people with whom you feel connected with and do act of service for them . They say bhakti yoga is the biggest act-- serve loved ones ( if not unknown people in distress)
- If you believe in God, pray to God and imerse in lord's love :)
- Try self hypnosis & if possible or just imagine a chord between you and the state/attitude and you are cutting that chord everyday.
- Love yourself ... know that you're higher self is bigger and better than you... so love yourself
- Practice this- write this " If I werent afraid I would've ...........fill in this" .. write as many as you can repeat it everyday, this way it will help to identify what is truly blocking you.
Reiki and the above are just complementary to the help one is getting from the hospitals or doctors in treatment of self sabotaging behaviours.
I would highly like to recommend this site http://www.uncommonhelp.me/articles/stop-self-sabotage-behaviour/ -for understanding of aspects of self sabotaging and how to help oneself .. there are also some lovely articles related to many more aspects of life :
Love yourself --"Khud ko khud se kabhi na pare karo" or " Dont ever leave your ownself"- this what Lord Krishna told me once :)
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