Friday, 8 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Muldhara and Chinnamasta Devi

Recently have been interested in reading up material and books on Tantra - Hinduism and Buddhism. However last few days have interested in reading on the "Mahavidyas" of the Tantra world.

Heruka= Wheel
Mahavidyas are the ten forms of the Kali Mata herself of which apart from Kali, Tara and Chinnmasta form major group of the Kali energies. The ten forms are wisdom devis, wisdom can be from gentle, sattvic work/attitude to Tamasic or harsh or dark forces. So at the end of it all merges and becomes one.

Of all the 10 forms,Chinnamasta is quite interesting form, she is "SELF Decapitating" devi who depicts self-sacrifice ... I have somehow associated her with Avalikoteshara ( form of buddha- who self sacrifices inorder to uplifts ) but has fiery energy of Purshuram and Narasimha ( form of Vishnu). However in Buddhist she is related Vajrayogini Devi.

Her Self sacrifice is also related to awakening of the Kundalini Shakti which resides in the Muldhara /Root Chakra , the uncoiled serpent energy of the Shakti. The energy of Chinnmasta has the sexual energy, life, self destruction , danger elements of which are more like Muldhara up to the Svadisthana chakra, So her energies are mainly associated with the lower two chakras. The red color of the devi is the muldhara color. She is alone workshipped only by the Tantrik/Tantrikas under strict guru instructions.

Since Chinnamasta is the icon for Kundalini- the divine spiritual energy. The copulating couple is representing the Kundalini. The coiled energy at the base of the spine  also gets uncoiled during sexual intercourse. The energy flow goes from the base of the spine up till the head. The cut head and blood of the devi depicts the upward kundalini flow which is so strong and energetic that it breaks the vissudhi chakra- i.e: false expression, false words in that process makes the person weak, sad... which thereby leads to energy going all the way up the crown chakra and shattering and transforming the self--- i.e: one is in Transcendence   ( i.e: from the sushmana nadi up to sahasrara).
Another aspect to look at it when the kundalini energy flows all the way when one's pineal gland explodes and one has literally an orgasmic experience the false ego, false expression are no longer in existence, it is transformational-literally arising from owns death.
The three blood streams are nectar again which feed our own consciousness of good and bad residing within ourselves, the shakti then unites with shiva at sahasrara.( The two attendants of the Devi are tamsic and sattvic qualities)
 Another interpretation is that Dakini, Varini ( female deities of muldhara), Chinnamasta are ida, pingala & sushmana nadi. Ida ( lunar energy) & Pingala ( solar energy) flows & meets at each chakra point ( like the DNA structure ). 

Deeper Meaning
Osho zen tarot- Transformation
  • The self- decapitating is end of false ego, ignorance, expression, desires which are binding and conditioning one.
  •  The ability to live by let go and manifestation of the kundalini energies and gain of supernatural powers. Only by Letting go can we be in the present 
  • Death is inevitable- One must die by getting immersed in the action one does
  • Death and Sex are interdependent- sex is for creating new life , that life which will eventually decay and die inorder to feed more life and existence it self.
  • Control of sexual energy which can be channeled by a yogi/yogini for greated spiritual pursuits.
  • Fearlessness of death, not to fear of lust, ego, hurt as they are mere layers of the true nature of the soul.
  • Integrity, accepting oneself in whichever form or state
  • Self- Awakening and Self- enlightenment.

1 comment:

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