Thursday 14 November 2013

beejakshara mantra LORD Hanuman SUPER POWER - WALLPAPERS

 Manojavam maruta tulya vegam, jitendriyam buddhi mataam varishthamvaataatmajam vaanara yooth mukhyam, shree raama dootam sharnam prapadye.

Let me pray to the one who is swift as thought (manojavam-), the one who is more powerful than the wind (marut.tulya.vegam-), the one who has conquered his senses (jitendriyam-), the one who is supreme among all intelligent beings, the son of the wind-god (vaataatmajam-), the commander of the army of forest creatures (vaanar.yooth.mukhyam-), Let me find refuge in Lord Rama's Messenger, the incomparable Lord Hanuman. Please accept me and my prayers at your feet.

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