Sunday 24 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Detoxification by Chakra Oils\Essence

Detoxify-  Physiological or medicinal removal of toxins from the living organism or around.

Detoxification of the body and aura can be done by medicines, alternative healing/medicines and exercises, based on the nature of the discomfort. Oils are one such means to detoxify in body-mind and spirit. Oil Therapy for Chakras is not necessarily a one day method and regular therapy which aids in detoxification.  The Previous post mentions about the various oils /essences for chakras so a combination one/two or more can be made as an essential and utilized for one;s benefit based on the constituents of the oil.

What is important to remember is that oil/essences are either trees/leaves, barks, seeds, flower, root etc. which are diluted by oil/essence makers. One can try and test oils in small quantities but for longer and serious ailments or procedures one must consultant a practitioner.
  • Massage- Massage is one of the best ways of detoxification, different oils are mixed based on the treatment and applied on the entire body or specific parts as required. Different and famous massages are-  Kerala Ayurvedic, Thai Massage, Shiastu Massage, Swedish massage , Water Massage, Hot Stone, Deep Tissue Massage, Face/Foot/Head Massage. Personally Kerala Ayurveda is a great massage.  
  •  Inhale- Inhaling the essential oil/smell can promotes detoxification. There are certain air diffusers/inhalers available, but I prefer inhaling the oil on my palm or lighting specific chakra related incense which purifies the air.
  • Shower- Classic way of detoxification is usage of oils with Epsom salt or normal salt in water during bath. It is supposed to clear the aura and purify the air around onself. Water-Oil – Salt combination is one of the biggest stress buster. For Foot chakra- luke warm water in bucket with Epsom salt and other chakra relates salts and oils opens the foot chakra and detoxifies.
  •  Scrubs or Packs- Usage of Oil with scrubs is good way of detoxifying
  • Lighting a Lamp or Diya of the chakra specific oil and chanting the sound specific to the chakra or meditating 
  • Taking recommended essential oils with food or liquids- Taking Almond oil-5-6 drops in milk with raisin is excellent for hair, joints, skin and bowel movements, usage of olive oil /sunflower oil as cooking oil.
This article is just for information and my view. Please consult your doctor/therapist.

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