Thursday, 14 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Chakra- Introduction

Chakra is a hindu/buddhist/tantric concept or word which literally means " Wheel".  It basically means the place in the human body or other realms where most nerves meet forms a Chakra. Each of the chakra comprising of nerves/nadias is a psychic center not only on the physcial level but on other outer subtle bodies too.
Each chakra /nerve connections moves, absorb energy behaves as an entity by itself on one hand and on the other works in association with the other. eg: cold leads to headache i.e:  muldhara imbalance leads to ajna/third eye imbalance. The chakras spin clockwise or anticlockwise.

When the chakra spins in the correct position and unhindered then energy flows and chakra is balanced and helps or compensates for other imabalanced chakras. On the other hand if chakra spins in - incorrect position /hindered then energy flow is blocked or imbalanced and can lead to minor to major complications one either levels ( emotional- physical-- mental-- psychological etc.). Thus balanced chakras can help one lead a life with good sense of being and balance.

On a personal note it very interesting to see chakra spin of different people, colors, sometimes it conical, round, square etc. Though in principle they are like how the Tantric chakras are represented -- petals/spokes.

Please note there 72,000 or more nadis/nerves intersections in our body, each nerve joint forms a chakra however major focus is on the key seve chakras. In reiki and other modalities chakra balancing is the core which leads to release from any ailments, issues, problems arising out of it ( more in next article)

So there are 7 main chakras which are in focus --

1)  Muldhara or Root Chakra
2) Svadisthana or Hara Chakra
3) Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra
4) Anahata or Heart Chakra
5) Visuddha or Throat Chakra
6) Ajna or Third eye chakra
7) Saharasa or Crown chakra

While doing reiki all of the chakras get balanced or improvised over time and at times if one gets imbalanced the other helps in balancing it sometimes. During reiki, if u go within ureself deep you can very well feel the spin and movement of your own chakras and you can place your hands or heal that specific area accordingly.

Happy Healing 

Love and Heal

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