Friday 15 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Chakra Foods & Taste

Taste is related to the Hara Chakra
Balance and harmony are key to the overall growth any organism, of which food and related taste are considerably important.
The five elements of taste are :-
  • Sweet
  • Sour
  • Bitter
  • Salty
  • Pungent 
A balanced diet with all the five elements is good, however under or over indulgence of any of these leads to imbalance. Every food one eats needs to have the nutritive value required. For every physical, emotional or mental , psychological treatment , the change in a diet literally does wonders. 
Below chart gives an insight into quality of food and psychological message regarding the same

Quality of Food What could be the message or indication or balance required
Salty Which are the areas where you need more openness and flow in your life
Crunchy What is stressing you or overwhelming
Sweet Do you need more joy and fun in your life
Spicy Is our attitude towards life about living on the edge, want loads of intensity? Do you get bored too frequently?
Sour Do you get emotionally and mentally scattered, do you need to draw attention towards yourself
Soft Do you want to feel nurtured most of the times?

Fresh and balanced diet helps to nourish
All elements to be eaten in balance

Happy Balanced Eating

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