Wednesday 6 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Anjali Mudra or Namaskara Mudra :BUDDHIST Mudras

  Anjali Mudra or Namaskara Mudra (The Diamond Handclasp)
The Anjali Mudra or Namaskara Mudra is the mudra of offering and devotion. The Gesture of Prayer (Namaskara Mudra) with the palms folded together.It is formed by joining the hands, which are held vertically at the level of the breast, palm against palm, fingers against fingers, interlocked at the tips, the right thumb covering the left.
The gesture formed by the union of the two hands, recalls the co-existence of the two inseparable worlds, which are really one: the Diamond World, or vajradhatu and the Matrix World, or gharbhadhatu. These two worlds are the expression of two aspects of one cosmic life and represent the reciprocal action of the spiritual and the materials, the static and the dynamic.

India and South-East Asia people use this mudra for salutation, it evokes an offering of good feelings, of one’s person, etc. and also indicates veneration if it is made at the level of the face.
Normally when people visit temples in India  they perform this mudra by holding hands infront of the God.

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