Sunday 3 November 2013

beejakshara mantra Important 18 Chapters of Bhagavad Gita -Krishna -Meaning

The Bhagavad-Gita consists of 18 chapters. Each chapter is called a yoga. Yoga is the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness. So each chapter is a highly specialized yoga revealing the path of attaining realization of the Ultimate Truth. The first six chapters have been classified as the Karma Yoga section as they mainly deal with the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness through actions. These chapters are:

Chapter 1 : Vishada Yoga (Arjuna's State of Instability to go for a war and his feelings )
Chapter 2 : Sankhya Yoga ( Study of  Soul in everybody's body  )
Chapter 3 : Karma Yoga (Study of performing duties and actions to attain GOD )
Chapter 4 : Jnana Yoga ( Study of  knowledge to know about the GOD (Godly Knowledge )
Chapter 5 : Karma Vairagya Yoga ( Leaving all the duties and dedicating to GOD)
Chapter 6 : Abhyasa Yoga ( Study of Souls stability and practice- to acheive Stithapragnatvam   )
The middle six chapters have been designated as the Bhakti Yoga section as they principally are pertaining with the science of the individual consciousness attaning communion with the Ultimate Consciousness by the path of devotion.

Chapter 7 : Paramahamsa Vijnana Yoga ( Knowledge of GODLY powers )
Chapter 8 : Aksara-Parabrahman Yoga ( Study of Birth and Rebirth )
Chapter 9 : Raja-Vidya-Guhya Yoga ( Secrets of Eternal powers to attain Moksha (Raja Yoga   )
Chapter 10 : Vibhuti-Vistara-Yoga ( The Omniscence of God in Universe and the things like by the Lord Krishna )
Chapter 11 : Visvarupa-Darsana Yoga ( All pervading of GOD in the Whole Universe )
Chapter 12 : Bhakti Yoga ( Devotional science to know more about GOD )
The final six chapters are regarded as the Jnana Yoga section as they are primarily concerned with the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Consciousness through the intellect.

Chapter 13 : Ksetra-Ksetrajna Vibhaga Yoga ( Study of Gods Soul - Body )
Chapter 14 : Gunatraya-Vibhaga Yoga ( 3 important properties to achieve Godliness)
Chapter 15 : Purusottama Yoga (  Forms of God in the Universe and in the body of man)
Chapter 16 : Daivasura-Sampad-Vibhaga Yoga ( Discussion about Divinity and Cruelty of man)
Chapter 17 : Sraddhatraya-Vibhaga Yoga  ( 3 different forms of Sraddhas (Rajasam, tamasam, Sativikam)
Chapter 18 : Moksha-Opadesa Yoga ( Ultimate reaching of GOD without any rebirth )
Lord Krishna spoke the Bhagavad-Gita on the battlefield of Kuruksetra in 3102 B.C.; just prior to the commencement of the Mahabharata war. This date corresponds to 1700 years before Moses, 2500 years before Buddha, 3000 years before Jesus and 3800 years before Mohammed.

So first and foremost it should be clearly understood that the eternal knowledge of the Bhagavad-Gita has not been influenced by Buddhism, Christianity, Hebrewism or Islam; for these religions did not exist at that time and were established milleniums later.Its true and proved by Scientists.

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